
/ #32 Re: Give the poisoners a realistic alternative option, don't just complain!

2011-04-16 15:52

#24: Sharaf - Give the poisoners a realistic alternative option, don't just complain!

Dear Sharaf and dear Selma,

I´m sure both of you are right, - someone had to start searching for solution.... and the "dahabians of egyptian origin" didn´t seem to do so  (I´m sure both of you agree that cruelty and poisoning is NOT the solution)  but also true, as sharaf said.... there won´t be a longtime and sufficient way without minding fears culture etc. of the locals....

Sharaf, - be the first local to join, - bring your friend, bring you thoughts, - be the bridge and make the start.

- All of us agree that wannabe-animallovers and  once a week animal-lovers won´t help or rather make it worse, - no use blaming the whole problem on western people or tourism only ... but also no use in discussing who brings the money ....  the problem exists and a humane and lasting solution is needed, and on this point we all agree again.

I think both of you on one table to discuss would be the best option to get a realistic longtime solution, - for example a neutering programme the locals will accept and support, and education on both sides... how to treat animals and how to respect oneanother.

Get together, - easiest chance to do so : 21.4, 7:30 pm, join the awd meeting and share your thoughts, you are very welcome !!!