Save Pomegranate Restaurant


/ #120

2013-10-13 09:34

I am sick to the back teeth of the little busy-bodies within our council pushing local business owners around with regards to the exterior of their premises.
In this particular instance regarding the Pomegranate Restaurant, only 200 yards around the corner at Picardy Place in a much more prominent site within the supposed World Heritage Site, we now have a Tesco store, fully illuminated from dawn until dusk, with pavement advertising too!
This seems like a case of double standards. It seems like the council are acting like cowardly bullies, afraid to take on the might of Tesco, whilst only too happy to penalise, pester & punish small business owners over trivialities such as lighting and decorative measures intended to increase business in these difficult financial times. Lord knows the local business owners located on this pathetic excuse of a Tram "network" have suffered enough at the hands of this council and it's corrupt management.
Leave local business owners alone!