Divergent series book 3 "Allegiant" rewrite


/ #12 My Opinion

2013-11-30 04:25

Last time I checked, you didn't create this world. Veronica Roth has every right to do what she wants. An Internet petition signed by 17 PEOPLE will not effect her in any way. You said that this was all out of respect for the author. Where did you get that idea? This is the exact oppisite of respectful. Just think about what you are doing here. Veronica Roth is a WORLD FAMOUS author with a very strong fanbase. The only effect this petition has is setting a large group of angry book lovers against you. I'm still trying to figure out why you even posted this. It is so disrespectful and unnecessary. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm simply stating my opinion. I am not even asking you to take this down. What I'm trying to do is remind you how childish you are acting. If you want a different ending you can make it up yourself. You don't have to direct your hate towards someone who was just trying to do what they love, which happens to be writing. I know I am going on and on so I will stop. But please consider what I said. I doubt this comment will make any difference in your mind but I can only hope that you think again before you put up something else like this