Reinstate CrossFit Tricolour


/ #21 Re: No.

2014-01-06 21:50

#5: Concerned Student - No.

And uneducated comments like this are the reason why Crossfit gets a bad reputation.  When performed with correct coaching and proper training, it can easily get you into better shape than anyone at a typical gym could wish for.

Crossfit like workouts have been around for far longer than Crossfit, just look up HIIT training.  It is nothing new.  Crossfit just gets a bad reputation because there are bad clubs out there.  However look at any average gym.  I can point out far more people at risk to hurt themselves at any other gym from being uneducated about what they are doing, and what weights they are lifting.  Stop making blind assessments of an organization because of overpublicized bs.