Reinstate CrossFit Tricolour


/ #24 Re: Re: Re: How About NO

2014-01-07 01:16

#22: (/)_- Moon Moon - Re: Re: How About NO

CrossFit isn't the only way to get fit, nor is it a "must-have". But the more important thing is to find something that you like doing and are passionate about, that's the "must-have" to get fit. In all the CrossFit boxes I've been a part of, including Tricolour, it's the fact that the community and experience keeps people wanting to come back that make it great.

I think that in this case "accumulate $50,000 of fitness equipment and assets" is more a testament to the dedication of the founders and popularity of the club amongst members than it is an example of a money making machine. The issue here isn't about making money, it's about keeping a NONPROFIT club running at Queen's.

One can always work out however they'd like. Injuries are a risk that comes with any exercise, but one that can be minimized when you work out around coaches that are qualified, like the founders of this club. Motivation is key, but people find it in different ways. Some people love the ARC, some people will swear by their personal trainer, and some people like CrossFit. Point is, people should be free to have the choice to do what works best for them.

The founders of Tricolour have done an amazing job growing this club and getting a group of students passionate about getting fit, in an environment that they feel works for them. It would really be a shame to see it have to stop.