Mr. Marichak needs to be removed from North Pocono School


/ #11

2014-02-12 21:14

he is a joke. he supports the athletic program because he was the Scranton high football coach a few years back. I was in his office numerous times granted I admit I was at fault at times but he reasons with nobody. goes above n beyond with his actions over nothing. a couple examples once I got in a fight I started all that happened was I pushed the kid and I got 10 days oss n it was taken to court as the other kid got nothing n he said that was because the other kid didn't fight back and I was told if I never touched the other kid I wouldn't have gotten in trouble, about a year later someone started a fight with me n I stood there as the other kid repeatedly hit me in the face and I have witnesses saying I stood there n again I got 10 days oss but it wasn't taken to court so I know he knew I wasn't at fault. eventually I got so sick of the school I walked out one day cops found me before I got home and took me to the school where he suspended me for 10 days oss and said I couldn't return until me him n my guardians had a meeting both me and my grandfather called everyday for a week to set up a meeting and left messages to his answering machine and to the front office and we never got a call back. which in my eyes is very unprofessional. also I didn't care much about school until one day I said id try n I did. 3 weeks later I went to him and sload and told them to ask my teachers and i was picking my grades up they both laughed at me put me down and said yea how long will that last so yea i stopped caring. he is a joke to the whole school and I support this petition. we need a principle that will support ALL students not favor the athletes or the people with rich parents.