Urgent vote AGAINST banning cropping and docking in Alberta


/ #4 Do your research, please.

2011-07-30 02:58

Docking tails or Cropping ears may hurt the dock, but only for a little while and majority of people have it done when they are puppies, so they don't even remember, I guess in some minds that's cruel. Now if your decide not to crop/dock your dog and they ended up getting gross, painful ear infections that lasted days, maybe even weeks and were constantly recurring because there wasn't sufficient air circulation in the ear, or your dog hit something with their tail and breaks a bone(or splits it) and the have to get bandages(or even surgery) and deal with the painful injury for however long it takes to heal, with the ever impending risk of infection, and have an embarassing cone on their heads making it hard to perform any normal task. Then what becomes more cruel, allowing them to go through such awful experience or getting them docked/cropped to eliminate almost all risk of such things happening? And most dogs whose Breed Standard calls for cropping/docking it's because they are susceptible to such conditions. The chances of a dog experiencing these conditions when they have not undergone docking/cropping, is very high especially amongst breeds with skinny tails, down-turned ears. I would rather have my dog undergo a slightly painful procedure they won't remember than risk them going through, weeks, months, possibly even years of painful, completely avoidable conditions.