"Clayton Luclay Misoya" ROBBED OF VICTORY


/ #1412

2011-08-16 03:39

@ #1391. U say ur family, fed SA? & ur government helped SA when d boers where kicking us? U should b ashamed & stop humiliating urself. It has always bn & it will always remain like that, that the whole world intervens & stand up 4 human rights or suffering of any nature.e.g HAITI, ZIM, JAPAN,SOMALIA, etc. No one can take credit or glory 4 this bcos it is hands, cleaning each other.The Glory belongs 2 God. Now u are not d first 1 who claims 2 have liberated SA. U know what, 4 ur information SA'S Liberty from Apartheid has much 2 do with SAfricans themselves, our parents, dared & sacrificed their lives 2 get us where we are today, thousands of SAfricans died, we lost our parents, brothers, sisters, neighbours, friends & leaders, many went 2 prison e.g N.Mandela 2 gain us this freedom.This is just a summary.The whole world was behind us,dont tell us about ur family. SA does d same too, we always join hands with d world 2 help wherever intervention is needed 2 alleviate human suffering. In one way or another somebody & d world has helped, 2 feed ur family & ur government is where it is today bcos of d help from other countries & d world. Who are u come here & claim u fed us? What is food after all,when our loved ones's blood was shed daily, leaving some of us without parents today.U should have kept ur food bcos we still lost what is important, lives. We refuse 2 let some narrow stupid minded ppl like u #13912 to take credit 4 our Liberty that we fought for. God freed us.I wonder what makes u so bitter, WE DONT WANT BBA IN SA ANYMORE, we mean it and u wont b able 2 change our minds in any way.