"Clayton Luclay Misoya" ROBBED OF VICTORY


/ #1418 Re:

2011-08-16 13:39

#1380: -

You are one of those that hate us, Nigerians did not beat us this year, they also did not beat Zimbabwe last year they crooked and tempered with the results and that is a fact.  Nigerians are the ones who have no shame.

What was so special about any of your Reps this year? Except for proving that they are just liars and cheats like the rest of you, yes Karen the one who lied about her boob job, did she have lumps on her arse as well?  We are not big mouths you are just scared that the noise we are making is making you guys look bad, we are not the only ones who have a problem with the way you people do business, we are the only ones who had the guts to stand up to you ( DID you people honestly believe that we would roll over and play dead) ?Nigerians go through life screwing other people over, guess what, you have fucked with the wrong people this time.

Name a place in any continent where Nigerians are not getting up to mischief?  You people are a disgrace.

The whole of Africa is fed up with you people.  You cannot be trusted.