Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!


/ #430

2014-11-20 01:14

why should  TLC turn off a show based on the family's ideas and want they they think it should be look at the amendments of the United States Of America FREEDOM OF SPEECH it one of them just because they said it out loud does not mean nothing there are WAY to many people in America that get's mad over the most Stupidest things like right now they are wanting to pull the Pledge from a North Carolina school because it is not right for other religions they shouldn't pull something from everyday things just because it is not what someone else wants to happen and also another school county took off christmas and easter off the calender because of a few people thinking it is not right It is ridiculous that people just do what ever others want maybe they should speak up and tell them that it is not up to them JUST CAUSE IT IS NOT THE WAY THEY WANT IT people say jump when they want something done and the people that change it say how high? maybe you need to think about things before you try to pull a educational TV show about a christian family they are people on tv like the kardashians and no one is complaining about that but as soon as a good family says something not so welcome they want them off air want a country we live in.........