Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!


/ #1070 Political Manipulation

2014-11-20 05:03

Let's definitely keep this program on. The issue brought on by the LGBT is not primarily about homosexuality, per se. It is about an aggressive group of people who are creating a straw man and building a case upon false premises. In the past, most people would just ignore this kind of activity, but it has gotten out of hand, and is now in the hands of governmental authorities who are taking the statements made by these people as if they are true. I mean really, how does one get the ability to call someone a 'Gay Basher' from someone who makes a statement about marriage being made up of one man and one woman? A true Gay Basher is someone like Fred Phelps, who is no longer with us, and who truly hated homosexuals. The head of Chick-Fil-A is not a Gay Basher and he even made it clear that he accepts everyone no matter who they are. These people are irrational and we are assuming that they know what they are talking about. They don't. It's time we stand up against them. Not because they are homosexuals but because they are aggessively hateful toward others whom they see as a threat to their well being, even though no one is threatening them or hating them. Hate is a strong word, and hate is vicious. Just because a man and a woman have a good marriage and hold to Biblical values in marriage and other relationships, this in no way is 'hate' toward homosexuals. These Gay people are acting really stupid, but the real problem is with the rest of us who just ignore them and think they will go away. (In saying the word 'Gay People' I know that not every homosexual is like this. Some really don't want to be Gay, and I respect them for their honesty and desire to get help). I do not respect those who are using their label in the LGBT and their stand against Biblical teaching on marriage. If you want to live your Gay life, go ahead. No one is stopping you. But when you stop straight people from living their lives under the guise of your term 'Hate Speech' then you need to look out because those of us who are straight are going to aggressively go after you for your slander and hate. The issue goes both ways.