Petition to Tear Down Pillarhenge and Secure Hillside


/ #17

2015-04-08 19:20

This site is a serious threat to safety and quality of life. My adult developmentally disabled brother has to walk by this abomination twice a day to catch a bus to and from work. He has to walk in the street or gutter because no paved sidewalk exists. My mother who will be 80 this June has doctor's orders to exercise due to her health issues so she walks by this hellhole very early in the morning in the street and gutter. The non-native developer came in to our community to make a profit but abandoned the project when the hillside and the economy collapsed thereby leaving our neighborhood raped and saddled with a late term botched abortion. I'm still proud to say I'm from Eagle Rock but it's demoralizing having to face this eyesore everyday and it needs to be transformed into something safe and useful for our community.