Rebellious girl

/ #22

2015-07-04 06:08

Also I have to add that the people who don't complain about the prices and think they are " perfectly fine" probably have money out there ass and are rich and spoiled. Why is it only fair for the rich to enjoy the game with more benefits and not the middle and lower class? It's not, it's just not . And what part of "can't afford "in the description of the petition do u not understand!?!  WTf!?! Sore but that's just dumb ass and if you can't afford something you can't afford it . And it's not being greedy. If anyone's greedy it's the damn star stable company. I have seen better graphics in xbox games that cost a lot less than this damn one. It's not like starstables graphics are the best. I can see strait edges on the horses who have long manes XD it just don't look right.