Impeachment of Obama


/ #9

2015-07-22 15:05

Obama is stirring the pot. he's NOT "for the people". I didn't vote for him at all due to,I knew the damage that could be done to our country if I did.It's happened.he has divided the people by race and religions. he's making deals with the devils(Cuba,Iran). when a black person or persons committ a crime of killing another race,it's an isolated incident.when the situation is reversed,it's called a hate crime,or the entire race is to blame as a whole.he supports the most hate/racist groups, that there are...The new black panthers and Naacp. he supposrts al sharpten who should of been in prison long ago with owing so much money in BACK taxes. he continues to try to have history that happened,erased{confederacy}. this is NOT a person interested in the best of the people or this country at all! what's next? our first laguage being spanish? Wake up folks!