Parking Permits for New York City Nurses Employed In the Community


/ #28 Petition #26 parking permit

2015-10-18 09:21

Community health nurses are deserving of this parking permit because we have to park blocks away from the patients home and by the time we get in the home and take vital signs, do wound care, check the blood sugar level, teach the patient how to manage their illness, prepare the insulin, prepare the patient weekly medications, teaching teach care, monitoring the patient on the ventilator, it's time to run to go put money in the meter and by the time we get to our car the  meter expired and we get a ticket. We community health nurses are saving lives, preventing unplanned hospitalization so which cost money to the city because vow the patients insurances. We visit our patients during hurricanes and snow storms , good weather , bad weather we are there because we care and the patient needs us just as they need the nurse in the hospital we are needed in the privacy of their home. Support and protect us and grant us the parking permit. Cheryl