Leiðréttið kjör öryrkja og aldraða fyrir áramót 2015-2016


/ #57

2015-12-11 15:35

Because it's only right to fight for those in need for the disabled and the elderly to be treated the same as any other person on the work market some who have worked all there life's building and creating the community we live in to day and for those who are disabled that worked and worked till here body failed them and those born with disabilities that can't be helped . These people are people to and these people should be treated as such and have the same rights as those working. We life in a world where poverty dose not need to exist if nothing is done for these people God help us all and those in charge of treating these people less and I hope they never have to experience being sick or having to need benefits . One thing for sure is I do not look forward to old age . This is why I sign this petition for those in need who are being wronged cause of greed.