Let AMC Know You've Been Wronged by Next Games


/ #18

2016-10-24 00:15

We been seduced by marketing to invest time and money in to the game from NextGame, to invest hundreds of houers and pay for expensive gold and items holding a specific value in a treat, to bye weapons in the game that has specific value in effect and treat, armory to have a specific value and treat. All advance in play to collect items as XP to upgrade to collect tradegods to change for items, TOMATOS to build next level in compound. All this is to waist, first small adjustment to lower the promised effect then after the 2.1 it was obvious all besides scouts and specific items been lowered in effect, when the 2.2 was implemented treats that before worked was cancelled, it is a violation in sale, the treats and weapon we carefully collect was 50%DE valued. They sheeted and nerf it all to a limit people want to drop off. I play in a guild top 3 global and no one is laughing at the update, we consist of many separate guilds. And NG do not even bather to awnser our distress. We want to continue play, and not get screwed by NG smart plan. Do the right thing, and make your right work for the rights.