Justice for Nasser Ahmed


/ #472 Re: Lies

2016-11-19 01:09

#447: - Lies 

 Who is this ofsted?


Just like how the NHS have a brilliant service (not).


Teachers have no morals these days behind closed doors we do not know what happens. The government should implement CCTV monitoring in all areas of schools with the exceptional places such as toilets and changing areas of course.

After I watched a a video last month, and read articles on this case, where a white male special behavioural teacher in the US pushed a 4 year old boy African American boy (with learning disability) on a bean bag back and forth, manhandled him using racial slurs such as 'I told you to sit boy' grabbed him and pushed him back and forth. He did not know he was filmed by the school undercover.  Thankfully he was sacked. 


You'd think you can trust teachers but we don't know what goes on behind closed doors, may I add they are incompetent these days. Not like the olden days where the teachers had morals.


So yeah save your speech. Don't tell lies with your version of what had not happened. Save it for the jury. Murdering scum. Watched him slowly die! Failed to call for emergency till later.  What no first aiders on sight!? No inhaler on site?! Incompetent fools he was under 16, so school responsible. However if it was home school would have been on the phone to police and social! Manslaughter or murder blood on your hands!

If it was a white race no doubt the public would have ensured justice to be served. And the school had the audacity claiming 'unexplained' death nah... murder! Should be 'suspicious'.

Alot of us believe that is what happened so go and use your speech in another campaign.


# justice for Nasser # spread the word # raise a fundraising site for a Human Rights and Criminal Lawyer # pray police don't make 2nd error like Stephen Lawrence R.I.P #minorities matter too