Getting Emily to America

Emz 676

/ #31 Keep strong beautiful girl.

2011-12-15 20:36

Hi Emily
This is Emma, Maeve's mum. We all miss you so much. If you pick this up Maeve would love to hear from you or be your friend on facebook. This whole situation is dreadful, but I know your mum would be so very proud of you and the way that you will be handling it all. She was special and she brought you up to be as special as her. You will get to where you want to be. Good luck to you and the rest of your family. I hope that 2012 brings better news. We all miss you and your mum's smile, sense of humour and personalities. I hope you remember making Mark and I sleep in the tent so you girls could have our lovely comfy bed!!! Take care, have a wonderful christmas and we will keep our fingers crossed for the future.
Congratulations to your family trying to do the absolute best for you. In time they will see reason and I hope this page makes a difference.
Lots of love Emma Maeve Max and Edward.xxxx