"Clayton Luclay Misoya" ROBBED OF VICTORY


/ #1588

2012-01-10 11:39

A website,a tweeter and other electronic accounts will be available at the right time. Timing is vital to reduce time for counter measures by the scammers.
Key media,local and international,community structures and other fora like religious e.t.c. will be involved at the right time. Keep thinking who else to involve and post on the website when the time comes.
The rest wont be divulged for now but, This xenophobia against our people,the insult of our leaders and people,the exploitation of our hospitality,the spread of hate between africans,the redicule of afican morals, the sick airing of obscene visuals,the defrauding of people through fraudulent voting systems,the nepotism should not be allowed to be hosted in our country.