Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools


/ #56 Re: Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

2012-01-12 21:04

#55: Frustrated - Re: Re: Look at Tax Revenue in Sept and Feb

So - you're saying that in the "real world" you get a 3 month break every year? Can I please have a job where you work? Let's be real, no matter where the breaks fall, kids go to school the same amount of days every year, by law. So whether they have a 3 month break over the summer and then less frequent/shorter breaks in the school year ("traditional calendar") or a slightly shorter summer that consequently entitles them to a few more breaks in the school year ("balanced" calendar) this doesn't change how many days they are *in* school. Any teacher will tell you that they spend the first 6-9 weeks of a school year reviewing things that were taught in the previous grade b/c over the longer summer break kids do not retain all that they learned. And I am tired of the teacher bashing/hating. I am not a teacher but have many friends & some family who are teachers, and they work harder at their job than most anyone else I can think of. Unlike a typical job, they can't make phone calls when they need to, have free time for lunch, take a break, or even go to the bathroom when they want to. They are at school before businesses/doctor's offices are open and there till those other places are closed. The more frequent breaks in the school year allows them to do things we normally do without thinking - schedule personal appts, medical/dental appts for themselves & their kids. Otherwise they have to take time off (many times w/o pay) and the school must have someone to take their place in their absense. Does your job require a substitute when you have to go to the dentist or to the bathroom? Let's stop bashing the teachers!! Also lets stop treating the kids like they are grown adults who can survive & thrive on long periods of "work" with no breaks. They are not in the "real world" yet - is it really the best thing to burn them out when they are just kids to "prepare them for the real world"?? Which of course then will include a 3 *month* long break every summer?