Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools


/ #130 School Calendar

2012-01-15 23:47

Wake up people - by starting on Aug. 1st or so several years ago, did you see how it effected the busses and GAS! Did you see how it effected the electric bills in the schools because they had to start turning on the AC in mid-July to make sure the buildings were cool enough once school started. Now, all the counties are dealing with budget issues because of these cost increases for those of you who like to start on Aug. 1st. Also, we have had more heat stroke problems with kids in Fall sports starting to work out in July & early August.
Camps are still going on and fun, educational events are still going on in and around GA but no, we can not get our kids enrolled because we start school on Aug. 1st. Who said we had to get out by Memorial Day. When I grew up here in the Atlanta area, we went back to school in late August and got out the Friday after Memorial Day, so an extra 4 days. It did not bother my family at all. If our teachers and kids need a short break, then take a long weekend in February and actually celebrate President's Day - these were some of our founding fathers and take a long weekend in September if really needed! Educating our kids is more important than week-long breaks right after starting school in August and then again after the Christmas break.