Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools


/ #146 Regarding True Compromise

2012-01-16 15:34

Here's the issue:

The traditional calendar will be gone really soon- if not this Spring, then next Spring. The reason why I say that is because there will be an election this Fall and it's going to be a referendum on the Balanced vs. Traditional calendar. Given the popularity of the balanced calendar, it will be an uphill battle for those who support the traditional calendar.

Given the state of affairs, I think a true compromise should be discussed. I am in support of the balanced calendar, but can understand the views of the other side. Therefore I think that we should at least have a proposal and vote on having breaks in October and February. Having an October break should be right after the first 9 weeks.

So I think the actual discussion should be between the Balanced Calendar as it is written and a different version of a Balanced Calendar. The Traditional Calendar, as it stands now, is no longer a viable option, in my opinion.