"Clayton Luclay Misoya" ROBBED OF VICTORY


/ #1692 Re: Re:

2012-05-28 09:23

#1685: - Re:

This weekend the house with the contestants in the feeder house to the real house went on strike because of lack of alcohol and cigarettes and yesterday they were rewarded with wine for their bad behaviour my concern is that the message that is being given to their audience which is girls and boys from the an age group ranging from 14 to 21, no let's be realistic it says the age limit is 18  but the audience is within the age group I mentioned above....just watch those messages on the strap line and you will realise that only a retard or a young inexperienced person would write the kind of shit you will get on that strap line....and even then they are pushing a certain agenda there because you cannot tell me that they are not screenig those messages, and now they are saying that the South African boys are Arabs some say Pakistanis why are they not educating their audience who are obviously ignorant to the fact that South African society is diverse.  If this is a programme aimed at "promoting unity among  Africans" why are they not taking the time to educate them as to who the coloured community is within the South African Community.  Even the choise of contestants should tell you that the voting system and everything about that show is flawed the only reason that Zimbabwean girl is still there is because of her looks and nothing else, and this week Eve who is considered to be a "hottie" will go to the feeder house.....crap is you ask me....All about ratings and nothing else, and the people who run this show do not care about the African youth and their values.......

We live in a sick and superficial society where looks are more important than what is between your ears, take Zainab for instance she is now the dumbest woman I have ever seen but people are raving about her because of her looks.