Request to cancel the PSAC and TB vote (PA, SV and EB groups)

Brenda Kimberley

/ #194

2010-12-20 17:52

One other note on the vote as to my situation. I was informed at the vote that I was not eligible to vote b/c I was suspended.They say it was in reference to crossing a picket line in 2004. My understanding is that if you were suspended that it was for 5 years...hmm it is now 2010. I have never ever received a single piece of documentation nor was ever invited to explain why...
How many people were NOT ALLOWED to vote? That could have determined a more accurate vote...and if they did include our numbers, somehow,,did they automatically denote us as in agreement? It has been done in the past to vote what the union wanted.
In my location (Vanier Towers) alone we figure there would be approx 100 people.