Opposition to ITV

Abdul Haq

/ #17

2012-07-26 12:35

Wow! Straight talker seems to be getting it solid all round. Can he be so ignarant that he is unaware that it is not only the De Deur Ulama and The Majlis, but all the senior Ulama of South Africa who are opposing ITV. Is he so dunce and ignorant that he does not know that Moulana Abdul Hameed, the rector of Darul Uloom Azzadville and Moulana Shabeer Saloojee, the rector of Zakariya and fifteen other great senior Ulama including Mouklana Ebrahim Mia from Mias farm have opposed ITV. I was also under the impression that The Majlis and De Deur were making Fitna all the time. But now I understand who are the real fitna makers> How can cartoons of Prophets and free intermingling ever be justified? Straight Talker: Seriously think again about the issue raised by Zulfiqaar. Men are admiring this lady who comes all dolled up on ITV in the name of Islam. Before we worry about the non-Muslim, make sure that our own house i not burning. Common sense