Opposition to ITV


/ #71

2012-07-27 17:29

The elders are totally against itv..... Our seniors told us that we should never take to the media to spread islaam as this service - of spreading the deen - cannot be done by sitting in a studio... this work has to be done by going out in the path of Allaah from door to door and heart to heart! There won't be baraka in spreading islam through television and radio stations. Best way to spread islaam is by doing it in the footsteps of rasululah salallahu'alaiwasalam i.e Tabligh jamaat. Who's doing the most deen work in the world today? who's bringing the most ppl to islaam in today's time? It's the tabligh jamaat. Yes! inspite of the ulama on tv and radio stations, its the tablighi's who don't use any media who are spreading the deen of islaam in way that the radio and tv cannot. They are successful mashaAlallah because they don't mess around with the shariah and they stick to the original method. The method which was taught to us by none other then rasulallah salalahu alaihi wasallam and His noble companions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!