Opposition to ITV

Mohamed Adam ITV

/ #157 Re: Re: Conduct of the forum Participants on Opposition to ITV

2012-07-30 12:41

#155: Muslima - Re: Conduct of the forum Participants on Opposition to ITV 

I agree only in the case where you use a nickname to protect yourself from the dangers of the Internet.

I did not mean to say that you are a coward. If that was conveyed I apologise. Your reasons for anonymity are valid as a Muslima you have a right to be concerned about the dangers of the Internet.

The comment of coward only applies if a person is anonymous and also then attacks other people and hides behind the anonymity. It then is not possible for the victim of the attack to know who is attacking him and it is easy for people to attack from the shadows and get away with it since there is then no accountibility and we do not know who is saying what.