Opposition to ITV


/ #173 Re: We strike Baatil with the Haqq, Then it (Haqq) smashes the brains of Baatil.

2012-07-31 06:43

#171: Bishr Haafi - We strike Baatil with the Haqq, Then it (Haqq) smashes the brains of Baatil. 

Statement about Imaam Mahdi not true. Do not wait for Imaam Mahdi to save you. Ask Allah (SWT ) for Guidance.

Ask the Ulema whom you trust for guidance.

Be sincere in your intentions and actions.

Avoid all Haraam.

Do not watch any TV. Do not own a TV. Get your Islamic Knowledge from authentic sources such as the Quraan and Sunnah.

Use the internet only for limited purposes e.g. email and research and visiting Islamic Sites and for academic research.

Choose your friends carefully as you can be influenced by whom you associate with.

Seek Knowledge.

The Ink of the Scholar is Holier than the Blood of the Martyr

Read. Iqraa. Read and contemplate and ponder and understand the Quraan.

We read too little. We express opinions too quickly without applying our minds to the issues.

We take up fixed positions and divide the Muslim Ummah on Sunni vs Tablighi etc.

We love to score points in debates and think we have won by our arguments. In the process we do not benefit from the wisdom of others.