Time Warrior

/ #10 I refuse to sign this petition

2010-12-28 08:29

"How dare Hasbro give their consumers what they want by releasing a toy of a popular character to the mass in a more easily accessible and affordable medium!!" :p I fully support Hasbro's decision to release Thundercracker. I have Gentei Thundercracker, but I'll get a Generations Thundercracker too, just to show my support. I also applaud o86's comment about the silliness of buying toys as a form of financial investment. If anyone wants to invest money, go buy stock market shares, not toys. Toys are for playing with! :) My comment to Hasbro isn't "Keep Thundercracker exclusive," but rather "What took you so long?!" -- Thundercracker should have been released in 1996 alongside Classics Starscream, Skywarp and Ramjet (and so should have Dirge and Thrust).