Opposition to ITV


/ #241 Must the ulama unite with you on sin and evil?

2012-08-03 14:07

What i find funny is that the radio islaam ulama are always crying for unity in the ummah... but it appears that they're on a royal rampage to destroy every iota of unity that the ulama had.

For 1400 years all the ulama UNANIMOUSLY agreed that TV, photography, music, intermingling etc are HARAAM. They had UNITY on those issues. Now, the radio islaam clique is dividing and disuniting the ummah and ulama by veering away from these unanimously agreed upon views and introducing, justifying, accrediting and participating in deed's which are wrong.

Isn't that funny? And let me bet: sooner or later they're going to blame the ulama against ITV for causing DISUNITY in the world. LOL!

They won't admit that they're the cause of the disunity in this ummah.

ISLAAM is clear, anyone can understand wrong from right.
Muslims can't unite on sin, they can only unite on HAQ.
Sin is the CAUSE of disunity.