Opposition to ITV


/ #418 ITV is Haraam, finish and klaar

2012-08-16 19:53

Besides those whose staple diet is Halaalized HARAAM carrion, their brains will lead them to Siraatul-Mustaqeem. those who enjoy the filth which they devour, buy virtue of which their brains have become fossilized will not be able to understand-just like the so-called '''ulama''' can't accept and understand-that ITV is HARAAM. how can we imitate and promote Ambiyaa cartoons? how can we let women parade like prostitutes on ITV? how can we accept music whereas Nabi Salallaahu alahi wasallam said: "I have been sent to this world to destroy musical instruments." Innaa-lillaah, how deep into the ocean of Nifaaq (hypocrisy) we are drowning. Those who have a good comment with regards to devil's eye (TV), should know that they are drowning in devil's impure urine and are clutching on his (devil's) excreta to save themselves. May Allah guide this lost Ummat and their leaders viz. Ulama, Ameen.