Dear Government - Gareth Cliff's Letter To The South African Government

WG Oppermann

/ #106 South Africans: Stop Corrupt Government Now

2011-01-09 23:46

Start with upcoming local elections:
(1) Don't vote for any more corruption.
(2) Or if intimidated, spoil the ballot, it is secret.
(3) Ask people of all languages around you to do so.
(4) Tell poor people their taxes are wasted for corruption; and that keeps them poor.
(5) Repeat with every election, we know it is useless.
A rejected government should enforce new elections; unless grand scale election corruption is orchestrated.
Then vote only for candidates and parties who commit to resign if corruption occurs to enforce new elections.
Stopping corruption should slash our exorbitant taxes, among many others.
Wasting taxes by government for corruption is illegal; yet it is mainly not recovered; and a massive unnecessary loss of taxes.
Further, corruption is illegal income for the beneficiaries, and income taxable for them, even if lost again, with interest and penalties if not declared; and likely not.
If not or selectively taxed, etc. constitutes gross discrimination against law abiding tax payers.
Monetary trillions can be involved over the span of so many years of corrupt government.
The government has no excuse for its illegal corruption and is solely and fully accountable because it has all the power, control, records, etc. at all times; and to recover those assets, income taxes, etc.