Petition for the August 1st Calendar

Quoted post

Tired of Complaints

#546 Re: Re: Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody.

2011-03-02 00:39

#536: For a balanced calendar! - Re: Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody. 

 Ahem. Perhaps you are a parent and you might know more than I do.

But here is my comeback:

Parents with younger children can easily stay home, get a relative, or hire someone good cheaply during the summer break. But, can they do that for February and September? No.

I concur with the fact that teachers and school are not replacements, but face it. Kindergarten throught 5th grade cannot stay home alone. Many families have 2 parents that are both working, and school is a must. ASP programs provide a way for parents to pick up his/her kid after school. But, do schools provide a place where young children can be watched by adults for free during February and September Break? No.



#549 Re: Re: Re: Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody.

2011-03-02 00:48:01

#546: Tired of Complaints - Re: Re: Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody. 

 ASP is not free, and neither is summer care/camp, they can also dismiss children when you fail to pay.  Everywhere I went there was a winter camp going on, the same places that had summer camps. 


#562 Re: Re: Re: Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody.

2011-03-02 02:39:57

#546: Tired of Complaints - Re: Re: Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody. 

 Ahem....once again, you cannot back up your own argument.  I know of 3 places within 2 miles of the school my children attend that held "Winter Break" camps.  Please try to understand this...if you want to say that schools are for "free childcare" then teachers provide you "free childcare" 180 days per year.  The other days are up to the parents to take care of.  If school begins on August 17th instead of August 1st, you mommy and daddy will have to find some place to take you.