Preserve the Fair Haven Police Current Staffing Levels

Quoted post



2014-03-24 17:51

2007 funding of fourth full time officer voted down by the voters and taxpayers of fair haven 245for 367 no silent majority the board should have listened to them.



#7 Re:

2014-03-24 18:38:51

#5: -

2007 was a different time.  We no longer just need to worry about the drunk drivers in town, as it appears that there is a personal issue between one select board member and the police force.  You broke the law, get over it.  Also, the watering holes in town need to think about others besides themselves.

Tiny One

#18 Re: 2007 Vote

2014-03-26 13:29:16

Yes a few people who did not have a clue voted against police protection. What is not being said is the 4th officer ballot item was defeated by 122 votes. It is also not being said that only 612 Fair Haven residents out of more than 1,600 registered voters actually cast a ballot. That is less than half of the voters in Fair Haven