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#70 Haters

2014-11-19 20:49

#57: loveislove - Re:  

 Actually, the spread LOVE.  And just because YOU are gay does not mean THEY have to change their beliefs or support you in your lifestyle.  Why is it ok for the gays to force us to support them?  They obviously do not support OUR beliefs?  The last time I looked, we did not live in a dictatorship.  I will go to my grave believing homosexuality is WRONG and an abomination in the eyes of God.  PERIOD.  Sue me.  I don't care.


We Love The Duggars

#830 Re: Haters

2014-11-20 03:30:32

#70: - Haters 

 Amen! The Lord created Adam and Eve = not Adam and Steve, nor Eve and Amanda.  When Noah was instructed to load the Ark with one male and one female of each species, the good Lord knew what He was doing ... and He still does!


#1151 Re: Haters

2014-11-20 05:35:47

#70: - Haters 

 ...and the last time I looked, it was okay not to have the religious right trying to enact unconstitutional laws against gay people or women who have the constitutional right to abortion.  No one will likely sue you, but plenty would probably like to tell you YOU'RE wrong.  Wake up and get out of the dark ages.