Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!

Quoted post



2014-11-22 18:24

I find the Duggars to be kind of annoying. I think that having a million kids and then saying it's because God wants you to have them is a little silly. However, even more than that I believe that censorship is wrong. Silencing an entire family because they think something that you don't is foolish. You can't censor everything that you don't agree with. Also, disagreeing with someones lifestyle is NOT the same thing as hatred.


In God's Service...Blessings to Jesus name, Amen

#2699 Re:

2014-11-22 22:17:09

#2682: -  You are right. True Christianity does not preach hate at all.  We are encouraged to pray for people and situations we may not agree with. Hatred or fighting are against ALL GOD represents.