Support Hungary!

Quoted post



2015-09-15 20:37

As european citizen I say: Europe to the europeans. Support Hungary uncondicionally in their efforts to hold back the tide which is coming as Germany is clearly incompetent to protect europe and as I may cite an english comment "brainless Hippies" which live in their world of flowers. I lived in third world countries under harshest conditions and firmly say that a bunch of frustrated european citizens which have nothing to do all day found a new silly idea to spend their life in trafficing Arabs to Austria, germany or elsewher ewith their own cars and not even know what the result will be. Thus .... Full support to hungary, at least one country keept his mind and his head and needs to show the world how things should run.



#183 Re:

2015-09-17 17:21:07

#153: -  

 I totally agree with you.