Parking Permits for New York City Nurses Employed In the Community

Quoted post



2015-10-18 09:02

New York community health nurses deserve parking permits because it's often difficult to find parking, we have to walk several blocks with our heavy nursing bag, which contains equipment necessary to perform care to the patient. We are saving lives, keeping patients at home rather than being in the hospital or nursing home through the care we give such as monitoring blood pressure /blood sugar, proving wound care, medication management and much more. During rain storms, snow storms, we are visiting our patients providing us with a permit will give us the opportunity to park closer to the patients home , hence increasing the nurses safety and helping the city save money but reducing unplanned hospitalization which is usually reimbursed by the state health insurance program. Community health nurses are derserving of this parking permit.



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2015-10-18 09:04:01

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