We support our super Frank!

  1. We are writing to express our concern over the recent termination of our superintendent, Frank, without notice or pay. Frank has been an integral member of our team, working tirelessly to maintain the upkeep and safety of our facility. We believe that his termination was unjust and undeserved.

Our concerns stem from the neglectful actions and approvals of the current management, and not from any shortcomings on Frank's part. We believe that he was overworked and underappreciated, leading to his eventual dismissal. We are confident that, with the proper support and resources, Frank will continue to excel in his position and contribute to the success of our facility.

We urge the owner to reconsider their decision and reinstate Frank with the compensation that he is rightfully owed. In addition, we invite the owner to reach out to us at our tenant association email if they would like to hear individual testimony from our team about the positive impact that Frank has had the apartment building.

We believe that this decision will not only benefit Frank, but also improve the overall morale for the tenants. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

312 West 114th street Tenant Association    Contact the author of the petition

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