

A petition to allow Connor Perry to walk at Manchester Central High School’s graduation and ensure an appeal.

-Written by Jack Myhaver

This petition is to bring attention to the unjust punishment brought upon Connor Perry. A tweet carrying no malicious intent and being facetious to the highest degree has raised a red flag far too high. It is completely understandable that in the interest of the security of all, such a post must not be taken lightly nor jokingly, but only to a point where security is in fact a real concern. It must have undoubtedly become evident now, as it was right away for all that know Connor, that this was a joke, perhaps in poor taste, but nonetheless a joke at its core. Being one of Connor Perry’s closer friend’s puts me in a position to know that he would never make such a remark in a serious fashion. The class voted “Happy-Go-Lucky” of the senior class, a member of the United States National Guard and all around liked guy would never have any true intention of committing any act that could even possibly be deemed vile let alone what was said in the aforementioned tweet. I am completely confident that the rest of the 2013 Senior Class, along with many underclassmen of Central High School alike can attest to this. We can clearly see that this post, though in retrospect a mistake, was nothing but an innocent, not well thought out joke that was not meant to cause any harm to anybody. This is why such punishment based on some misplaced retributive justice is far too excessive and serves no real purpose but to cause suffering for an honest mistake by an honest kid.

We, the undersigned would like to acknowledge the unjust punishment of Connor Perry and believe he should retain his ability to walk on the Manchester Central High School 2013 graduation with his fellow seniors. We consider the suspension a fit punishment in an effort to teach Connor his lesson and the error of his ways yet the inability to walk during graduation seems unfair and unnecessary considering the magnitude of the act committed. We would also like to ensure due process including the right of grievance, a fair hearing, and the right to an appeal as guaranteed to him in the School Handbook. Thank you for considering our requests.