Harsher sentencing for violent crimes and pedofiles

Daniel Morcombe, Jill Meagher and Luke Batty all victims of repeat criminal offenders.

The legal system particularly the courts and the judges have failed us as a community by providing to lenient sentences to these criminals allowing them to re-enter our society and commit more heinous crimes and take innocent lives!

These are most certainly not the only 3 victims of this injustice but they have been some of the most public and have touched many hearts.

It is time for change we must force the hand of the government and the legal system to change these laws to make harsher penalties and to make pedophiles known we can no longer loose innocent lives and ruin families to "protect the rights" of heinous criminals. One strike and you’re out!

Daniels murderer raped 2 little boys before Daniel beating one nearly to death and was only sentenced 9 years all up and served even less than that.

Jill’s murderer had sexually assaulted over 6 women had only spent 22 months in jail for a 5 year sentence and was on parole when he raped and killed Jill.

Luke’s murderer had a history of mental illness, domestic violence and child pornography.