Help me allow parents to be involved

Hey! My name is Ashley Russell, mom of 2 proud Kippers. Throught this school year I have been disappointed quite a few times about how kiptopeke runs their school. I am here to say I am going to fight to allow us parents to be able to get more involved in our children's school activities. Kiptopeke is one of the very few school left that do not allow parents into the building nor participate in field days. Also what happened to parent/grandparent lunch days where we could go eat lunch with the kids? I think allowing us parents to be there more for them during school activities could really help support them and make their day. We all have been there, some days aren't the best days but when you see a certain someone your whole day changes and becomes a great day right? I think for the parents who want to be involved should be able to! If you agree please sign this petition and maybe together we can make a change. 

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