Leiðrétting til ESB vegna bréfs Gunnars Braga Sveinssonar

Dear Edgars and Dear Commissioner Hahn of the European Parliament.

We write to you as a group of worried Icelanders.

The thing is that our minister of foreign affairs, mr. Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson, has been misbehaving, to put it lightly. 
As you are probably aware of, his recent irrational statements in a letter sent to you on the 12th of March, did not go through the usual democratic process we expect in Iceland. In fact he completely disregarded the rules that separate democracies from totalitarian regimes, ruling out any discussion, consensus and voting by bypassing our parliament.
We ask you to excuse his erratic, embarassing behaviour. We did not specifically pick him as our representant in this matter and his statements are empty and have no value or authority without running through parliament.

Hopefully, come next election, we will be rid of him. But until then, we thought you should know.

Best regards,