The Moose #908 needs their staff back!

This is in regards to The Moose Lodge #908 of West Chester.  As many of our members are aware, the administrator of this lodge, fired the club's only full time bartender after 8 years as well as both of the DJs the lodge used. None of the 3 were given any reason.  They were actually fired while working and after the administrator had been drinking all day and told that he did not need a reason to fire them.  Majority of the clubs sales in the last year were during the shifts that this bartender was on along with the DJ's.  And the most profitable times of these shifts were the late hours, between 11-3am.  The majority of the raise in memberships recently, is a younger crowd that enjoys staying out late and being able to grab another drink when regular bars close, since being open an hour later on weekend played a large roll on getting a younger crowd in when the club was not financially doing very well.  Since this staff has been let go, the club has closed around 10 at the latest every night.  Many members are unhappy they purchased a membership and were made unwelcome by the administrator.  Not only were they made unwelcome on multiple occasions but most of the crowd was built up by the DJs and the bartender and many of you have stated you will not renew your membership when it expires and will not return without these employees.  This petition is to serve as proof to the Pennsylvania Moose Association, how unprofessional the administrator at 908 is, as well as how many members, potential members, spouses and friends will not return because of his actions.  Anyone that would like to place their own formal complaint to PMA please email the link below and a higher contact than the administrator at this lodge and their number/email can be provided to you

concerned member of The Moose Lodge    Contact the author of the petition