No Taxing Cowichan Tribes Members On-Off Reserve


Minister of Finance

Department of Finance Canada 
140 O'Connor Street 
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G5


OHCHR address: 
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) 
Palais Wilson 
52 rue des Pâquis 
CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland.

c.c.; Attorney General of Canada, Revenue Canada, British Columbia Premier, Cowichan Tribes Chief and Council, Indigenous Human Rights;

Issue; Human Rights for Cowichan Tribes Band Members and remove Taxation scheme. Cowichan Tribes Members are the Landlords of this Territory, not to be subject to a foreign common law with no Treaties in place to protect the people.

No taxing Cowichan Tribes Members because they hold full status rights and there are no Treaty's signed with Canada or British Columbia. Reformation of the forced Taxation Scheme is demanded.

It is a Breach of Trust without consulting with band members and taxation is foreign to our cultural way of life, when our ancestors already paid through loss of lands, resources and cultural way of life.

Hidden Agenda: (Cowichan Tribes follows a hidden agenda, which permits them to make decisions without proper consultations with the people of Cowichan Band. Please lift the Hidden Agenda and stop making decisions behind closed doors - Cowichan Band is Sovereign) Hidden Agenda means that the person is doing something for a reason other than the obvious one. The thing they are doing might seem like it is helpful and selfless, but they are actually doing it for themselves. Politicians often have hidden agendas. They support or introduce policies that look like they will be helpful or good for society, but there is some personal gain that they will receive for introducing the policies.

Sovereignty means;
n. pl. sov·er·eign·ties
1. Supremacy of authority or rule as exercised by a sovereign or sovereign state.
2. Royal rank, authority, or power. (hand full of families - including mine)
3. Complete independence and self-government.
4. A territory existing as an independent state.


A sovereign Nation has a human right to stop the injustice of taxation which is a foreign concept to our cultural way of life.

by Collective Voice of the People of Cowichan Band, Citizens, National and International supporters. Please sign and support our fight for justice. Taxation is imposed  and enforced without proper consultation with the royal families and membes of Cowichan Tribes Band. Let us unite with one voice and stop the injustice of forcing the poor to pay taxes within unceded territory. Please; no more taxing the poor when they and native ancestors already paid through loss of lands, resources, and culture from systemic legislative racism.

Sharon Lewis