Offer Lower Shipping Prices

The Goal: To require that government officials lower taxes fuel prices, and fees to help make vehicle shipping within the country and overseas more affordable.

The Aim: Many individuals relocate to other states or to other parts of the nation and have to take their vehicles together. Frequently, the costs tend to be high, which makes it tough for vehicle owners to take their vehicles with them. Sometimes, making them sell them or find storage for them until they return.

High prices tend to be linked with higher taxes, fuel prices, as well as other overhead costs, making it burdensome for shipping companies to keep their prices affordable and low for consumers in need of this service. Lower fuel prices and any added surcharges and taxes could make it simpler for firms to offer their auto transport services at rates their clients can afford.

The Solution: If the public were to put a lot pressure on government officials, we could hopefully convince them to take another look at the costs.

Join us! And let’s fight for lower car shipping prices!

At A1 Auto Transport, we believe that consumers should have access to affordable transport options.

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