Petition to Wrocław officials in defence of Słodowa Island


'No' to privatization of the Island!

'Yes' to freedom and culture on the Island!

Słodowa Island is a unique place, situated in the heart of Wrocław, truly standing out among other city landscapes. At the same time it is autonomous in its very DNA – isolated from the rest of the city with the Other River meanders. Wyspa Słodowa 7 is also the only tenenment left on the island, out of many buildings that were there before the war.

Wyspa Słodowa 7 is a building which potential can be used if it gets into the hands of the city inhabitants with an idea of developing this space through social and cultural activities.

Wyspa Słodowa 7 should serve as a real culture laboratory, a space for civic grassroots initiatives.

Wyspa Słodowa is endangered by privatization – we do not want to loose it. The municipality has put the Wyspa Słodowa 7 tenenment up for sale, choosing its intended use for exclusive apartments for only few people who can afford it. This is only a step away from creating an enclave not open for everyone.

Słodowa Island is an exceptional space which has served as an actual meeting place. Recently the access to the Island has been systematicaly constricted: organizing high profile concerts has been stopped (although the Island has already been well adapted to this), entering the Island at night is impossible (as a result of the city's alarming tendency for closing and fencing off public space).

Guided by my concern for Słodowa Island's future I support the idea of creating a social center there and ensuring free space on the Island for everyone.


Wyspa Słodowa 7 Initiative Group

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