Pretoria Road

The Ekurhuleni Metro’s Roads Department has only 200m of Pretoria Road left to complete, but when the initial contractor failed to finish phase 2 of this project by the 31 December 2015 deadline, the metro dismissed him. The tender process to award a new contractor to this project will now have to start over again and up until such time as a new contractor is assigned, business continue to suffer.  

If the metro allowed the initial contractor to finish the last 200m of road by simply extending the contract into the new year, the road would have been finished by now.  

It is unacceptable that Mr Themba Gadebe, Ekurhuleni Spokesperson, has no real explanation as to why the project was stopped and instead claim that a change in the Ekurhuleni Roads Department’s personnel structure is to blame.  

When I spoke to the Ekurhuleni Roads Department, I was informed that the initial contractor – who was dismissed by the metro for failure to meet his 31 December deadline – was awarded another contract for the upgrade of the Pretoria / Springs Road intersection which will commence next week. It was also revealed that the metro intended to start construction on the Pretoria / Vlei Road intersection whilst Pretoria Road construction is still unfinished.  

This is a clear indication of a complete lack of engagement with the community and business owners on the metro’s part. As a result I requested that the metro first finish the construction of the last piece of Pretoria Road before starting construction on Pretoria / Vlei intersection.

If the construction at Pretoria / Vlei intersection should go ahead without the current 200m of Pretoria Road’s construction being finished, businesses in Rynfield Terrace may as well close their doors because no-one will be able to enter the premises.   Given the dire economic climate, businesses should not be put under any further strain that may be prevented.  

Therefore the DA will now be petitioning the Ekurhuleni Roads Department to finish the construction of Pretoria Road as a matter of urgency. 


Stefanie Kruger Councillor: Ward 24, Benoni 076 541 9717    Contact the author of the petition