Proposal for Town of Redding Blight Ordinance

To assist the town representatives in handling certain cases of blight ERF has proposed the adoption of a Blight Ordinance. The objectives of the ordinance are as follows:

  • Allow the Town of Redding to Intervene:
    • When the health and safety of citizens are effected
    • In situations which represent a substantial and unreasonable interference with the use and enjoyment of nearby premises , as documented by neighborhood complaints, police reports, cancellation of insurance on proximate properties, or similar circumstances
  • The Proposed Ordinance is Not Intended to Address:
    • Uncut lawns & substandard paint jobs on houses
    • Anonymous complaints would not be considered
    • It is intended to address blight, and not overlap with health, building, fire, & zoning codes

 If you support the adoption of a Blight Ordinance for the Town of Redding Connecticut we would welcome your signature via this petition.

Thank you for your support

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Enhancing Redding's Future    Contact the author of the petition

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